
Longest Increasing Subsequence in an Array

Given an array of integers, this problem looks for the longest increasing subsequence within that array.

Find Two Numbers That Sum to a Target in an Array

Given an array of integers and a target sum, return the indices of the two numbers that add up to the target sum.

Maximum Sum Contiguous Subarray of Length K

Given an array of n integers, the problem is to find the contiguous subarray of length k with the maximum sum.

Maximum Average Value in Contiguous Subarray

Given an array of n integers, find the contiguous subarray of given length k that has the maximum average value. Output the maximum average value.

Find min value in array of ints.

To find the minimum value in an array of integers, we can simply compare each value in the array to the others and keep track of the smallest value we've seen so far.

Find the Largest Sum of Consecutive Integers in an Array

Given an array of integers, this problem seeks to find the largest sum of consecutive integers in the array. For example, in the array [2, 3, -5, 7, 8 ], the largest sum of consecutive integers is 15 (2 + 3 + 7 + 8).

Array Sum

This technical problem deals with finding the sum of the elements in an array. An example input is given, as well as the expected output.

Longest Increasing Subsequence

This problem is about finding the longest increasing subsequence in an array of integers.