Backup And Recovery

Number of Rows Where Values in Two Columns are Equal

This technical problem deals with finding the number of rows in a table where the values in two columns are equal. The input is a table with two columns, and the output is the number of rows where the values in the two columns are equal.

Nov 15
Write a SQL query to find the top 10 customers by total spent.

This technical problem deals with writing a SQL query to find the top 10 customers by total amount spent. The input is a table of customer data, including customer IDs, names, and total amount spent. The output should be a table with the customer IDs, names, and total amount spent, sorted in descending order by total amount spent.

Nov 14
SQL Query for Recent Logins

The table given contains a list of users and when they last logged in. The goal is to write a SQL query that returns the id, username, and password for all users who logged in within the last 24 hours.

Nov 14
Find all customers named John Smith.

To find all customers named John Smith, we can run a query against a table of customer names. The query would return all rows where the first name is "John" and the last name is "Smith".

Nov 13
SQL Query to Find All Customers Who Have Placed an Order in the Last 30 Days

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query to find all customers who have placed an order in the last 30 days. The example input data consists of a customers table with id and name columns, and an orders table with id, customer_id, and order_date columns. The example output lists the id and name columns for all customers who have placed an order in the last 30 days.

Nov 12
Find most recent backup for each database

This technical problem asks the reader to write a SQL query that finds the most recent backup for each database on a server. The example input provided shows two databases, each with a different last backup date. The expected output is the same as the input.

Nov 12
Find all root nodes

Given a table with two columns, id and parent_id, write a SQL query to find all the root nodes.

Nov 11
SQL query to return customers who have placed orders over $100

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query that returns the names of customers who have placed orders with a total value of more than $100.

Nov 06