Backup And Recovery

Number of Customers Who Have Placed an Order in the Last 30 Days

The number of customers who have placed an order in the last 30 days can be found by querying the orders table and counting the number of customer_id entries where the order_date is within the last 30 days.

Nov 04
Most recent backup for each database

This technical problem deals with finding the most recent backup for each database on a server. Given a table of backup information, the goal is to write a query that returns the most recent backup for each database.

Oct 26
SQL Query to Find Most Recent Backup of Each Database on Server

Write a SQL query to find the most recent backup of each database on a server.

Oct 25
Database Backup

This technical problem describes how to create a backup of a database by creating a new database with the same structure and copying the data from the original tables into the new tables. The function should return the name of the new database.

Oct 22