
Find all rows in A that are also in B

To find all the rows in table A that are also in table B, write a SQL query that uses a JOIN clause.

Mar 13
SQL Query to Find Pairs of Rows from Two Tables

This technical problem deals with finding pairs of rows from two tables, such that the values in column a of table A are less than the values in column b of table B, and the values in column b of table A are greater than the values in column a of table B.

Mar 12
Longest Palindromic Substring

Write a function that returns the length of the longest palindromic substring in a given string of characters.

Find the Length of the Longest Increasing Subsequence in an Array

Given an array of integers, this problem asks you to find the length of the longest increasing subsequence in the array. For example, given the array [10,9,2,5 ,3,7,101,18], the longest increasing subsequence is [2,3,7,101], so the answer would be 4.

Maximum Sum of Contiguous Subarray

Given an array of integers, the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray of the array can be found by summing the subarray. In the example given, the maximum sum is 137, obtained by summing the subarray [42, 14, -5, 86].

Customers Who Have Purchased Products With a Price Greater Than $100

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query to find the names of customers who have purchased products with a price greater than $100.

Mar 12
Find all rows from table A that have a matching row in table B

Given two tables, A and B, write a SQL query to find all the rows from table A that have a matching row in table B.

Mar 12
Sum of Array Elements

Given an array of integers, this function will return the sum of the elements in the array.