
Route between two nodes in a directed graph

This problem asks for the existence of a route between two nodes in a directed graph. An example input and output is given.

Directed graph route check

This problem deals with finding a route between two nodes in a directed graph. An example input is given, and the expected output is "There is a route between A and D."

"Checking if an Undirected Graph is Connected"

This problem is about checking whether an undirected graph is connected. The input is a graph represented as a dictionary, and the output is a boolean indicating whether the graph is connected.

Detecting cycles in directed graphs

This problem deals with finding cycles in directed graphs. Given a directed graph, the goal is to design an algorithm that can determine whether or not there is a cycle present. An example input and output is provided to illustrate how the algorithm would work.

Is There a Route Between Two Nodes?

This technical problem deals with finding a route between two nodes in a directed graph. An example input and output is given.

Find the Cheapest Way to Fly from One City to Another

Given a list of flights and their respective prices, find the cheapest way to fly from one city to another.

Minimum number of flights to connect all cities

Given a list of airline flights and their respective departure and arrival times, the minimum number of flights needed to connect all the cities can be found using a graph algorithm. In the example input, only two flights are needed to connect all the cities.

Is There a Route Between Two Nodes in a Directed Graph?

This problem asks whether there exists a route between two given nodes in a directed graph. The input is two nodes, and the output is whether there is a route between them.