Categories: Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Recursion (32) Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Binary Search (30) Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Linked Lists (26) Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Backtracking (26) Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Stacks and Queues (25) Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Hashing (24) Databases / SQL / Backup and Recovery (19) Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Arrays and Strings (19) Databases / SQL / Database Normalization (18) Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Time Complexity (17) Databases / SQL / Locking (16) Databases / SQL / Replication (15) Databases / SQL / SQL Queries (13) Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms / Graphs (13) Databases / SQL / Database Security (13)  More...

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Machine Learning / Data Science
To predict the price of a house, we can use linear regression to learn the relationship between house size and price. Then, to predict the price of a new house, we can simply plug in the size of the house into the trained model.
About this solution: The candidate's solution is correct and demonstrates a good understanding of the problem. The linear regression model is a good choice for this problem.
Oct 22
Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms
This problem involves searching for a given value in a sorted array of integers. If the value is found, the index of the target value is returned; if not, -1 is returned.
About this solution: The candidate's solution does not demonstrate a level of completeness and does not solve the problem. The general approach is not clear.
Oct 20
Databases / SQL DifficultyMedium SQL
The company needs a database to store information about the products, customers, and orders. The database should be able to track the quantity of products in stock and customer information so that the company can email customers updates about their orders.
About this solution: This solution is complete and solves the problem. The approach is normalized, which is optimal.
Oct 20
Databases / SQL
Given a table of transactions, this SQL query will find the total value of all transactions that occurred on each day.
About this solution: The candidate's solution is correct and solves the problem. The approach is straightforward and easy to understand.
Oct 18
Machine Learning / Data Science
This problem involves clustering customer reviews in order to group together similar reviews and distinguish different groups of reviews. This can be done using unsupervised learning methods such as k-means clust ering.
About this solution: The candidate's solution is complete and solves the problem. The approach is sensible and would likely work well in practice.
Oct 16
Mathematics / Graph Theory
About this solution: The candidate's solution is correct and demonstrates a level of completeness. The approach is straightforward and easy to follow.
Oct 15
Databases / SQL DifficultyMedium SQL
This problem deals with using a cursor to loop through a table of employee data in order to print the employee's name and salary.
About this solution: The candidate's solution is complete and solves the problem. The candidate has used a cursor to loop through the table and print the employee's name and salary. This is the optimal solution.
Oct 13
Mathematics / Graph Theory
About this solution: The candidate's solution is correct. They have provided the adjacency matrix and have correctly found the number of 3 step walks and the generating function for walks from points 1-3.
Oct 12