
Algorithms, Data Structures and Coding

Technical coding problems for technical interviews. These problems are typical for most companies engineering interviews and may include algorithms, data structures and coding questions.

Dec 13
Machine Learning Engineer

Problems and solutions for Machine Learning engineering interviews. Machine learning engineering interviews may include questions about designing machine learning systems, models and pipelines.

Nov 06
SQL Problems

SQL problems from technical interviews at top technology companies. These problems apply to interviews for SQL developers, database administrators.

Feb 01

Recent solutions

Below is the list of recent solutions.
The candidate's solution correctly returns the total quantity of each product ordered by each customer. The solution uses the GROUP BY clause to group the customer and product IDs together, and then uses the SUM function to calculate the total quantity for each group. The solution is clear and concise.
Nov 02

The candidate's solution is correct and demonstrates a good understanding of the game of NIM.
Nov 01

The candidate's solution is correct. They have correctly identified that the output will be 5. They have also correctly identified the reason for this, which is that the for loop will only iterate through the list once and remove the first 2.
Oct 31

The solution above is optimal because it uses the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses to sort the table by product_id in descending order and then limit the results to the top 3.
Oct 31

The solution correctly uses the LIKE operator to check if the email contains an @ symbol.
Oct 31

This is a good start, but the candidate's solution is incomplete. In order to make an accurate prediction, the machine learning algorithm would need to take into account a variety of factors, such as the borrower's credit score, employment history, and the amount of the loan.
Oct 28

The solution provided is correct and demonstrates a good understanding of SQL. The approach is clear and concise.
Oct 28

The candidate's solution demonstrates a level of completeness and solves the problem. The general approach is efficient and would work well in practice.
Oct 27