
Testing the accuracy of your spam email predictive model

To test the accuracy of your spam email predictive model, you can use a holdout dataset or cross-validation. With a holdout dataset, you would split your data into a training set and a test set. You would train your model on the training set and then evaluate it on the test set. With cross-validation, you would split your data into a number of folds . For each fold, you would train your model on the training data and then evaluate it on the test data. You can then average the accuracy of your model across all the folds.

Sum of Array Elements

This function takes in an array of integers and returns the sum of all the elements in the array.

SQL query to find the total number of products ordered for each product.

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query to find the total number of products ordered for each product. The query should use two tables - products and orders - as input and return the product name and total number of products ordered for each product as output.

Oct 18
SQL query to return customers who have placed orders over $100

Write a SQL query that returns the names of customers who have placed orders totaling more than $100.

Oct 18
Finding All Pairs of Rows in Two Tables Where Column Values Match

Write a SQL query to find all pairs of rows from two tables, A and B, such that the values in the columns match.

Oct 17
Get number of customers served by each employee

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query that returns the number of customers served by each employee at a store. The input data consists of three tables: customers, employees, and customer_employ ee. The output should be a table with two columns: employee_name and customers_served.

Oct 17
Find the Maximum Sum of a Contiguous Subarray of Length k

Find the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray of length k in an array of n integers.

Find Customers Who Have Purchased Products from Both Tables

Given two tables, this problem finds the names of customers who have purchased products from both table 1 and table 2.

Oct 17