
Binary Search

This problem involves finding the index of a given target value in a sorted array of integers. If the target is not found, the index where it would be inserted is returned.

Sum of integers at even indices

Given a list of integers, the sum of the integers at even indices is returned. So for the input list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the output would be 6 (2 + 4).

Find the total value of all transactions for each day.

Given a table of transactions, this SQL query will find the total value of all transactions that occurred on each day.

Oct 11
Find Top 10 Customers by Total Purchase Amount

To find the top 10 customers by total purchase amount, write a SQL query that orders the customers by purchase_amount in descending order.

Oct 10
Shortest Path in a Directed Graph

This technical problem deals with finding the shortest path between two nodes in a directed graph. An example input and output is given in the problem description.

Reversing a Singly Linked List

To reverse a singly linked list, we simply need to iterate through the list and reverse the pointers of each node. This can be done in place, without creating a new list.

Binary Search: Find Target Value in Sorted Array

This problem requires the use of a binary search algorithm to find a target value in a sorted array. If the target value is found, the index of that value is returned. If the target value is not found, -1 is returned.

Binary Search

This problem involves searching for a given value in a sorted array of integers. If the value is found, the index of the target value is returned; if not, -1 is returned.