Database Security

Find all users with 'admin' or 'manager' role

Write a SQL query to find all users with the role of 'admin' or 'manager'.

Nov 25
Get salts for given passwords in table

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query that returns the salt for a given user's password. The example input and output are provided in the body of the problem.

Nov 24
Get the number of rows in a database table

This technical problem deals with writing a function that can take in a database name and table name, and return the number of rows in the table.

Nov 22
Find the number of unique users in a table

The goal is to find the number of unique users in a table. The table has the following columns: user_id, name. The query should return the number of unique users. In the example above, the answer would be 3.

Nov 21
SQL query to find the number of users who have both a first and last name

This technical problem deals with writing a SQL query to find the number of users who have both a first and last name. The input is a table of user data, and the output is the number of users who have both a first and last name.

Nov 17
SQL query to find all users who have the permission to view a certain resource

Given two tables - one of users and one of permissions - write a SQL query to find all users who have the permission to view a certain resource.

Nov 09
Find all users with 'billing_address' containing 'California'

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query to find all users who have a 'billing_address' that includes the word 'California'. Given a table of user data, the desired output is a table with the user_id, name, and billing_address of matching users.

Nov 08
SQL query to find users in more than one role

This technical problem deals with writing a SQL query to find all the users who are in more than one role. The user table, role table, and user role table are provided, and the expected output is also given.

Nov 06