
Design a function to sum an array of numbers.

Design a function that takes in an array of numbers and outputs the sum of all the numbers in the array.

Determining Linear Relationships in Data

There are many ways to determine if there is a linear relationship between data points. Some common methods include scatter plots, correlation coefficients, and least squares regression.

Email Spam Detection using Machine Learning

This problem asks for the design of a machine learning algorithm that can predict whether a given email is spam or not.

Designing a k-nearest neighbor classifier for two-class classification.

The k-nearest neighbor classifier is a simple machine learning algorithm that can be used to classify data points into one of two classes, 0 or 1. The input to the classifier is a set of data points, each with two features (x1 and x2). The output of the classifier is a set of labels, each corresponding to the class (0 or 1) that the data point should be classified as.

Summing Even Numbers in a List

Design a function that takes in a list of integers and prints out the sum of the even numbers in the list.

Detecting Plagiarism with Machine Learning

To design a machine learning algorithm to automatically detect plagiarism, you would need to first gather a set of training data. This data would need to include a wide variety of text samples, both original and plagiarized. Once you have this data, you would then need to design a algorithm that can learn to distinguish between the two. This algorithm would need to be able to identify common patterns in the text that are indicative of plagiarism.

Implementing a k-means clustering algorithm from scratch.

This problem asks for the implementation of a k-means clustering algorithm. The input is a dataset of points in 2D space, and the output is a set of k cluster centers .

Basic machine learning algorithm for heart attack prediction.

This technical problem asks for the design of a machine learning algorithm to predict the likelihood of a person having a heart attack. The input data for the algorithm would include information about the person's age , weight, gender, family history of heart disease, and other relevant health data. The output of the algorithm would be a prediction of whether or not the person is likely to have a heart attack, based on the input data.