
Closest Pair of Points in 2D Space

This technical problem involves finding the closest pair of points in 2D space from a given list of points. An example input and output is provided.

Closest Pair of Points in 2D Space

This technical problem deals with finding the closest pair of points in 2D space from a given set of points. The input is a list of points, and the output is the closest pair of points from the input.

Implement a K-Means Clustering Algorithm

The goal is to implement a K-Means clustering algorithm from scratch. The input is a dataset containing n points in d-dimensional space, and the output is a partition of the dataset into k clusters.

Detecting Human Faces in Images

This problem asks the reader to design a machine learning algorithm that can automatically detect human faces in images.

Designing a Machine Learning Algorithm to Identify Underlying Patterns

To design a machine learning algorithm to identify underlying patterns, you would need to first determine what types of patterns you are looking for. Then, you would need to design a algorithm that can learn from the training data and identify these patterns.

Design a machine learning algorithm to prove the existence of prime numbers.

The problem asks for a machine learning algorithm that can prove the existence of prime numbers. The input is a set of integers, and the output should be a proof that there is at least one prime number in the set.

Smallest number of points that enclose all other points in a set

Given a set of points in 2D space, this problem asks for the smallest number of points that can enclose all other points in the set. For example, given the input [(0 , 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0.5, 0.5)], the output would be 3.

Designing a Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect Plagiarism in Student Ess ays

One way to design a machine learning algorithm to detect plagiarism in student essays would be to train the algorithm on a corpus of known plagiarized and non-plagiarized essays. The algorithm could then be used to label new essays as plagiarized or not based on how similar they are to the essays in the corpus.