Joining Tables

SQL query to find all pairs of rows from two tables where column values are...

Write a SQL query to find all pairs of rows from two tables where the values in the columns with the same name are not equal.

Feb 18
Join Two Tables

This technical problem involves joining two tables on the id column and returning all columns from both tables.

Feb 18
Find all rows in table A that have a matching row in table B

This technical problem deals with finding rows from table A that have a corresponding row in table B. An example input and output is given.

Feb 18
SQL Query to Join Customer and Order Tables

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query to join a customer table and an order table, in order to find the customer's name and the total amount spent on all orders for each customer. The customer table includes columns for customer id and name, while the order table includes columns for customer id, amount, and order id. The desired output is a table with columns for name and total_ spent.

Feb 17
SQL Query to Join Two Tables

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query to join two tables - Table A and Table B. The goal is to find all the records in Table A that have a matching record in Table B .

Feb 17
Counting total orders for each product

This technical problem involves writing a SQL query to find the total number of products ordered for each product. The input is two tables - products and orders - and the output is a table with the product name and total orders.

Feb 16
Joining Two Tables on the "name" Column

Given two tables, write a SQL query that joins the two tables on the "name" column and outputs the resulting data.

Feb 16
SQL query to find customers who have placed an order with a total value...

To find the names of customers who have placed an order with a total value greater than $100, you can use the following SQL query: SELECT name FROM customers WHERE id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM orders WHERE total_value > 100)

Feb 16