Machine Learning / Design

K-Means Clustering Algorithm

This technical problem deals with implementing a k-means clustering algorithm from scratch. The input is a set of data points, and the output is a set of clusters.

Predicting the Category Label for a New Data Point

The problem is to predict the category label for a new data point, given a set of data points with category labels.

Sum of Squares of Integers

This function returns the sum of the squares of all the integers in a given list.

Implementing a K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

The K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm is used to assign labels to new data points based on the labels of nearby data points. The algorithm requires a set of training data points, a value for K (the number of nearest neighbors to consider), and a test data point. The output is the label assigned to the test data point.

Design a machine learning algorithm to predict customer purchases

The goal is to design a machine learning algorithm that can predict whether or not a customer will purchase a product, based on customer data including age, gender, location, income, and product preferences .

Designing a machine learning algorithm to automatically categorize news...

Design a machine learning algorithm that can automatically categorize news articles by topic. This can be done by training the algorithm on a dataset of labeled news articles, and then testing it on a new set of unlabeled articles.

Summing Odd Numbers in a List

This problem asks you to design a function that takes in a list of integers and returns the sum of all the odd numbers in the list.

Email Spam Classification

The goal is to develop a machine learning algorithm that can take in a set of emails and correctly classify them as spam or not spam.