Machine Learning / Design

Restricted Website Access Detection and Blocking

This problem deals with designing a system that can automatically detect when a user is trying to access a restricted website and block the request.

"Finding the Average Color of Images"

This technical problem involves finding the average color of a set of images. For each image in the set, the average color is calculated and outputted.

Find k closest points to the origin.

Given a list of n points in the plane, and an integer k, the problem is to find the k points that are closest to the origin (0, 0). One way to solve this problem is to use a sorting algorithm, such as quicksort, to sort the points by their distance from the origin. Then, you can simply return the first k points in the sorted list .

K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier

The K-Nearest Neighbors classifier is a simple machine learning algorithm that can be used to classify data points in a two-dimensional space. Given a set of points and a value for K, the algorithm will return the class label of the point using the K-Nearest Neighbors classifier.

Implementing a K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm in Python

The K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm is a simple machine learning algorithm that can be used to classify data points. The algorithm works by taking a set of data points and finding the K nearest neighbors to each point. The label for each point is then assigned by majority vote, meaning the most common label among the K nearest neighbors is assigned to the data point.

Find the Mean of an Array of Integers

The goal is to write a function that takes an array of integers and outputs the mean (average) of the array. In the example given, the input is [1, 2, 3 , 4, 5] and the expected output is 3.

Designing a Sentiment Analyzer for Social Media

This problem asks for a machine learning algorithm that can automatically label the sentiment of social media posts. The algorithm should be able to take a text input and output a label for the sentiment of that text.

Implement a K-Means clustering algorithm

The K-Means clustering algorithm partitions a dataset into K clusters. Each cluster is represented by a centroid, and points are assigned to the cluster that has the closest centroid.