Machine Learning / Design

Design a Learning Algorithm for Approximating an Arbitrary Function

The goal is to design a learning algorithm that can take in an arbitrary function f(x) and output a hypothesis function h(x) that is a good approximation of f(x).

Implementing a k-means clustering algorithm.

This technical problem deals with implementing a k-means clustering algorithm. The input is a dataset with n observations, and the output is a partition of the dataset into k clusters.

Designing a Machine Learning Algorithm for Automated News Article Categorization

Design a machine learning algorithm that can automatically categorize news articles by topic. The algorithm should be able to learn and adapt as new articles are published.

Building a Machine Learning Model to Predict Target Values

Given a set of data points, each with a certain number of features, the task is to build a machine learning model that can accurately predict the target value for each data point.

Designing a Machine Learning Algorithm for Function Mapping

A machine learning algorithm is designed to learn a function that can map a set of input data points to a set of output labels. The algorithm is trained on a training set of data, and then applied to a test set of data. The performance of the algorithm is measured by its accuracy on the test set.

Automatic machine learning algorithm design.

We would like to develop a machine learning algorithm that can automatically design new machine learning algorithms. Our goal is to create an algorithm that can take as input a description of a desired behavior or property , and output a machine learning algorithm that achieves that behavior or has that property.

Design a binary classification machine learning algorithm.

Design a machine learning algorithm that can learn from a training set of data in order to accurately classify new data points according to a binary classification. The algorithm should be able to learn from two input features and one output label.

Predicting User Purchases from Site Activity

The goal is to predict how often a user will purchase a product from the site, based on their activity (e.g. number of hours spent on the site, number of clicks, etc.).