Magic Square

Is This Array a Magic Square?

Given a 2D array of integers, write a function to determine whether the array is a valid magic square. A magic square is a 2D array of integers where the sum of each row , column, and diagonal is the same.

Is This a Magic Square?

The function checks if the given 3x3 grid of numbers is a magic square or not. A magic square is a 3x3 grid of numbers where each row, column, and diagonal sum to the same number.

Checking if a Square Matrix is a Magic Square

This technical problem deals with writing a function that takes in an n x n matrix representing a magic square and returns True if the square is magic, and False otherwise. A magic square is a square matrix in which the sum of the elements in each row, column, and diagonal is the same.

Is this a valid magic square?

The problem is to check whether a given 2D array of integers is a valid magic square. A magic square is a square array of integers where the sum of each row, column, and diagonal is the same.