
Find the Median of a List of Numbers in Python

This technical problem involves finding the median of a list of numbers in Python. An example input would be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and the expected output would be 3 .

Write a function to flatten an object with nested objects.

Given an object with nested objects, this function flattens the object by creating key paths for nested values.

Python class implementing a stack using a list

This Python class implements a stack using a list. The stack supports the following operations: push, pop, size, and isEmpty.

Flattening Nested Objects

Given an object with nested objects, write a function to flatten the object (i.e. convert nested objects into a single level object).

Summing the Elements of an Array

This technical problem involves writing a function that takes an array of integers as input and returns the sum of all the elements in the array.

Implementing a Stack with a Linked List in Python

This technical problem asks the reader to write a Python class that implements a stack using a linked list. The stack should have methods for pushing an integer onto the stack, popping and returning the top element of the stack, and checking if the stack is empty.

Python Class "Foo" with Instance Variable and Methods

This technical problem deals with creating a Python class named "Foo" with an instance variable named "value". The class also has two methods, "double" and "triple", which multiply the value by 2 and 3, respectively.

Sum of array elements

This problem asks the user to write a function that returns the sum of all integers in an array. An example input and output is provided.