
Sum of Array Elements

This technical problem deals with finding the sum of all elements in an array. An example input is given as [1, 2, 3, 4] and the expected output is 10.

"Non-adjacent Subarray Sum"

The problem is to find the maximum sum that can be achieved by selecting a subarray of non-adjacent elements from an input array. For example, given the input array [3, 7, 4, 6, 5], the maximum sum that can be achieved is 13, by selecting the subarray [3, 7, 5].

Sum of odd integers in an array

The function should take an array of integers as input and return the sum of the odd integers in the array.

Sum of Odd Numbers in an Array

This problem asks the programmer to write a function that takes in an array of integers and returns the sum of the odd numbers in the array. For example, given the input array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the function should return 9 (1 + 3 + 5).

Find the Largest Sum of Consecutive Integers in an Array

This problem asks you to find the largest sum of consecutive integers in an array. So, for the example input above, the largest sum would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45.

Sum of even numbers in array

This problem asks the programmer to write a function that takes an array of integers as input and returns the sum of the even numbers in the array. As an example, if the input array is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the function should return 6 (2 + 4).

Summing Even Numbers in an Array

This technical problem involves writing a function that takes an array of integers as input and returns the sum of the even numbers in the array.

Smallest Window Containing All Letters in a String

Given a string containing only lowercase letters, this function finds the smallest window that contains all the letters in the string.