
Sum of elements in a list

To find the sum of the elements in a list of integers, simply iterate through the list and add each element to a total.

Reversing a List of Strings in Python

This Python function takes in a list of strings and returns a new list with all the strings in reverse order.

Sum of integers greater than or equal to 10

This technical problem involves writing a function that takes a list of integers as input and returns the sum of all integers that are greater than or equal to 10. An example input and output is provided .

Implement a min heap in Python

Implement a min heap in Python by creating a Python class with the following methods: insert(self, val), remove_min(self), and peek_min(self).

Design a function to output a list of all unique words in a string.

Design a function that takes in a string and outputs a list of all the unique words in the string.

Return the sum of all even numbers in a list.

This problem asks the user to return the sum of all the even numbers in a list. An example input would be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and the corresponding output would be 6.

Python function to sum even numbers in a list

Write a Python function to sum the even numbers in a list of integers.

Nov 20
Sum of all odd numbers in a list of integers

This Python function finds the sum of all the odd numbers in a list of integers.