
Get the average value for each id in a table

Given a table with an id and value column, write a SQL query that returns the average value for each id.

Nov 11
Find the median value for each id in a table of data.

To find the median value for each id in a table of data, you can use a query like the following: SELECT id, MAX(CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN value END) AS median FROM (SELECT id, value, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY value) AS rn FROM data WHERE id IS NOT NULL) AS d GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(*) % 2 = 1;

Nov 10
Find the Cheapest Product in a SQL Database

Write a SQL query to find the cheapest product in a given table. The table schema is provided, and an example input and output are given.

Nov 09
Most recent signup for each email address

Given a table of data with columns for name, email, and signup date, this SQL query will find the most recent signup for each email address.

Nov 05
Find the products with the highest price-to-quality ratio

To find the products with the highest price-to-quality ratio, divide the price by the quality for each product. The product with the highest ratio is the product with the highest price- to-quality ratio.

Nov 01
Finding people who live in the same city as John Smith

Given a table of data with people's names and addresses, write a SQL query to find all the people who live in the same city as 'John Smith'.

Nov 01
Get total sales for each day

Write a SQL query to find the total sales for each day from a table of sales information.

Nov 01
Find the average price of all products.

To find the average price of all products in a table, write a SQL query that calculates the sum of all prices divided by the count of all prices.

Nov 01