Stacks And Queues

Validity of a String

This function checks whether a given string containing only '(', ')' and '*' characters is valid. A string is considered valid if it follows the rules defined above.

Stack sum function

Given a stack of integers, the function returns the sum of the elements in the stack.

Check if a string of parentheses is balanced.

This function takes in a string consisting only of parentheses and outputs whether or not the string is balanced. A string is balanced if every open parenthesis has a corresponding close parenthesis and there are no unmatched parentheses.

Return the sum of integers at even indices

This problem asks the programmer to return the sum of all integers at even indices in a given list. For example, given the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the output would be 6 (2 + 4).

Evaluating a Simple Expression String

Given a simple expression string consisting of parentheses, plus/minus signs, and non-negative integers, implement a basic calculator to evaluate the string.

Stack Order Checker

The function should return true if the stack is in sorted order (increasing order), and false otherwise.

Reverse a string using a stack

This problem asks you to reverse a string using a stack. An example input and output is provided.

Design a stack with push, pop, and min operations in constant time.

A stack is a data structure that supports push, pop, and min operations in constant time.