Web Development

Sum of odd integers in a list

This problem involves finding the sum of all odd integers in a given list. An example input and output is provided.

Sum of integers greater than or equal to 10

This problem deals with finding the sum of all integers in a list that are greater than or equal to 10. An example input and output are provided.

Get page title from URL

This technical problem deals with retrieving the page title from a URL using Python. The given URL is http://www.google.com and the expected output is simply "Google".

Find the largest sum of consecutive integers in an array.

Given an array of integers, this function returns the largest sum of consecutive integers in the array.

Sum Even Numbers in List

This problem asks the user to write a function that takes in a list of integers and returns the sum of all the even numbers in the list. An example input and output are given.

Remove all vowels from a string in Python.

This Python function removes all the vowels from a given string.

Add the numbers in a list together

This technical problem involves writing a function that takes a list of integers as input and returns the sum of the elements in the list. An example input would be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and the corresponding output would be 15.

Largest Sum in a List of Integers

Given a list of integers, this function returns the largest sum that can be obtained by selecting a contiguous sublist of the list.