Find all employees who work in the Sales department.

Given a database with two tables, Employees and Departments, this SQL query will find the names of all employees who work in the Sales department.


Given a database with two tables, 'Employees' and 'Departments', write a SQL query to find the names of all employees who work in the 'Sales' department.
Example input:
| id | name     | dept_id |
| 1  | John Doe | 1       |
| 2  | Jane Doe | 2       |
| 3  | Joe Smith| 2       |
| 4  | Lisa Lee | 3       |
| id | name        |
| 1  | Sales       |
| 2  | Marketing   |
| 3  | Engineering |
Example output:
| name     |
| John Doe |


This solution is in SQL. Our A.I. can create solutions in multiple languages.
by sarastevens
FROM Employees
WHERE dept_id = (SELECT id FROM Departments WHERE name = 'Sales');


The solution is optimal because it uses a subquery to find the id of the department named 'Sales' and then uses that id to find the name of the employee in the Employees table.


A.I. Evaluation of the Solution

The candidate's solution is complete and solves the problem. The approach is general and could be applied to other similar problems.

Evaluated at: 2022-11-22 14:15:52