Find the Largest Integer in an Array

This technical problem deals with finding the largest integer in an array. An example input is given as [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and the expected output is 5.


Given an array of integers, write a function that finds the largest integer in the array.
Example input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Example output: 5


This solution is in JavaScript. Our A.I. can create solutions in multiple languages.
by kayakane
// Solution:

function findLargest(arr) {
  let largest = arr[0];
  for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] > largest) {
      largest = arr[i];
  return largest;

// Explanation:

// This solution is optimal because it only iterates through the array once.
// It does this by keeping track of the largest number seen so far, and updating it if a larger number is found.
// This is optimal because it only iterates through the array once, and it does not use any extra space.

A.I. Evaluation of the Solution

This is a great solution! The candidate has thought through the problem and has provided a complete solution that is also optimal.

Evaluated at: 2022-11-23 02:16:45