Finding the Total Value of Transactions by Day

Given a table of transactions, this SQL query will find the total value of all transactions that occurred on each day.


Given a table of transactions, write a SQL query to find the total value of all transactions that occurred on each day.
transactions table:
| id | date       | user_id  | value   |
| 1  | 2020-01-01 | 1        | 100.00  |
| 2  | 2020-01-01 | 2        | 50.00   |
| 3  | 2020-01-02 | 1        | 75.00   |
| 4  | 2020-01-02 | 3        | 25.00   |
| date       | total_value |
| 2020-01-01 | 150.00      |
| 2020-01-02 | 100.00      |


This solution is in SQL. Our A.I. can create solutions in multiple languages.
by sarastevens
SELECT date, SUM(value) AS total_value
FROM transactions
GROUP BY date;

A.I. Evaluation of the Solution

This solution is complete and solves the problem. It uses a GROUP BY clause to group together all transactions that occurred on the same date, and then sums the value of those transactions.

Evaluated at: 2022-11-25 04:16:09