Determining whether a graph contains a cycle.

This function takes in a graph represented as an adjacency list, and returns whether or not the graph contains a cycle.


Given an undirected graph, determine whether it contains a cycle.
The input to the function/method consists of two arguments:
g: a list of list of integers, denoting the adjacency list representation of the graph.
Return 1 if the graph contains a cycle, otherwise return 0.
g: [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1]]


This solution is in Python. Our A.I. can create solutions in multiple languages.
by kayakane
# Solution:
# The solution is to use a depth first search algorithm to traverse the graph.
# If a node is visited twice, then there is a cycle.
# The solution is optimal because it only traverses the graph once.

def has_cycle(g):
    visited = set()
    for node in g:
        if node not in visited:
            if dfs(node, visited, None):
                return 1
    return 0

def dfs(node, visited, parent):
    for neighbor in node:
        if neighbor not in visited:
            if dfs(neighbor, visited, node):
                return True
        elif neighbor != parent:
            return True
    return False

A.I. Evaluation of the Solution

The candidate's solution is correct and demonstrates a good understanding of depth first search. However, the code could be more concise. For example, the has_cycle function could be written as follows: def has_cycle(g): visited = set() for node in g: if node not in visited: if dfs(node, visited, None): return 1 return 0 def dfs(node, visited, parent): visited.add(node) for neighbor in node: if neighbor not in visited: if dfs(neighbor, visited, node): return True elif neighbor != parent: return True return False

Evaluated at: 2022-11-27 08:16:06