Supervised Learning: Predicting the Label of a Point in 10 Dimensions

This problem is a supervised learning problem where the goal is to predict the label of a point in 10 dimensions, given a dataset of 100,000 points with labels.


You are given a dataset of 100,000 points in 10 dimensions. Each point has a label (0 or 1). You are also given a point in 10 dimensions. Your task is to predict the label of the given point.


by robertrhee
The optimal solution for this problem is to use a support vector machine with a linear kernel. This will give you the best accuracy on the given data.

A.I. Evaluation of the Solution

The candidate's solution is complete and solves the problem. The approach is sound and the candidate has a good understanding of the problem.

Evaluated at: 2022-11-04 20:15:46