Get IDs and Names of Non-Manager Employees in Sales Department

The table given contains information on employees, including their ID, name, manager ID, and department. The goal is to write a SQL query that returns the ID and name of all employees who are not managers and who are in the Sales department. From the given example input, the expected output would be the ID and name of Joe and Karen.


Given a table with the following schema: 
    ID int, 
    Name varchar(255), 
    ManagerID int, 
    Department varchar(255)
Write a SQL query that returns the ID and name of all employees who are not managers and who are in the Sales department. 
Example input: 
ID | Name  | ManagerID | Department
1  | John  | 3         | Sales
2  | Jane  | 3         | Marketing
3  | Joe   | NULL      | Sales
4  | Karen | 2         | Sales
5  | Carl  | 2         | Marketing
Example output: 
ID | Name
3  | Joe
4  | Karen


This solution is in SQL. Our A.I. can create solutions in multiple languages.
by sarastevens
FROM Employee
WHERE ManagerID IS NULL AND Department = 'Sales';


The solution is optimal because it uses the WHERE clause to filter out the rows that do not meet the criteria. 
The WHERE clause is evaluated before the SELECT clause, so the query will only return the rows that meet the criteria. 
This is optimal because it will not return any rows that do not meet the criteria, and it will not return any rows that do meet the criteria more than once.


A.I. Evaluation of the Solution

The candidate's solution is correct and demonstrates a good understanding of SQL. The candidate has correctly used the WHERE clause to filter out the rows that do not meet the criteria. The candidate has also correctly used the IS NULL operator to check for employees who are not managers.

Evaluated at: 2022-11-19 12:16:17