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Machine Learning / Data Science
This problem involves clustering customer reviews in order to group together similar reviews and distinguish different groups of reviews. This can be done using unsupervised learning methods such as k-means clust ering.
About this solution: The candidate's solution is complete and solves the problem. The approach is sensible and would likely work well in practice.
Oct 16
Mathematics / Graph Theory
About this solution: The candidate's solution is correct and demonstrates a level of completeness. The approach is straightforward and easy to follow.
Oct 15
Databases / SQL DifficultyMedium SQL
This problem deals with using a cursor to loop through a table of employee data in order to print the employee's name and salary.
About this solution: The candidate's solution is complete and solves the problem. The candidate has used a cursor to loop through the table and print the employee's name and salary. This is the optimal solution.
Oct 13
Mathematics / Graph Theory
About this solution: The candidate's solution is correct. They have provided the adjacency matrix and have correctly found the number of 3 step walks and the generating function for walks from points 1-3.
Oct 12
Code Problem / Data Structures and Algorithms Python
Given a 2D array of integers, this problem looks for the longest path from the top left to the bottom right where each step only visits cells with values greater than or equal to the current cell.
About this solution: The candidate's solution is complete and solves the problem. The approach is to use dynamic programming. The idea is to create a 2D array of the same size as the input array. The value of each cell in the 2D array is the length of the longest path from the top left to that cell. The value of the top left cell is 1. The value of the other cells is the maximum of the value of the cell above and the value of the cell to the left, plus 1. The value of the bottom right cell is the length of the longest path. The time complexity is O(n^2) and the space complexity is O(n^2).
Oct 11
Databases / SQL
To find the top 10 customers by total purchase amount, write a SQL query that orders the customers by purchase_amount in descending order.
About this solution: The solution is optimal because it uses the ORDER BY clause to sort the table by purchase_amount in descending order, and then uses the LIMIT clause to return the first 10 rows.
Oct 10