Nodejs / Authentication

Authenticate a User

This technical problem deals with writing a function to authenticate a user based on their email and password. If the user is authenticated, the function should return true. Otherwise, it should return false .

"User Authentication in NodeJS"

This technical problem deals with implementing a user authentication system in NodeJS. The input is a username and password, and the output is a boolean value indicating whether the user is authenticated or not.

"Authentication: validateUser()"

This technical problem deals with writing a function to validate a user's credentials against a database.

Implement basic authentication in Node.js

This technical problem deals with implementing a basic authentication system in Node.js. The system should take in a username and password, and check if the credentials are valid. If the credentials are invalid , the system should output "Invalid credentials".

Longest string in array

This problem is about finding the longest string in an array. For example, if the input array is ["NodeJS", "Authentication", "Interview"], the function should return "Authentication ".

NodeJS / Authentication: Find User by Username

Given a list of user objects, this function will take in a username and return the corresponding user object if it exists. If the user does not exist, it will return null.

User Authentication in NodeJS

Write a function that takes in a user's email and password and returns true if the user exists in an array of user objects and the password is correct.

NodeJS / Authentication - Hashing a User's Password

This technical problem deals with creating a password hash for a user object in NodeJS.